Under Construction 2016
Under Construction is a dance performance about incompleteness. The moment when nothing has been decided and all options are still open. Under Construction is for two performers; novelist Maria Peura and dancer Vera Tegelman. The performance combines live written text and improvised contemporary dance.
choreography, direction: Virva Talonen
dance, live -writing: Maria Peura, Vera Tegelman
light: Nanni Vapaavuori
sound: Jaakko Kujala
videoprojection: Jaakko Kujala, Virva Talonen, Nanni Vapaavuori
texts: Maria Peura, Vera Tegelman, Virva Talonen
quotes: Harald Arnkil: Värit havaintojen maailmassa (2007), Eskelinen, Martta (toim.) Naisen Kirja 2. (1960)
mentoring: Heidi Masalin
recording: Timo Vähäjoki
production: Katve [blind spot], Kanneltalo
support: Arts Promotional Centre Finland

photos: Jaakko Kujala