Home as a corporeal being, state of mind and a concrete place.

Portable Home Project includes three independent contemporary dance performances. The first dance work Sumeba Miyako was made in Japan 2016. The second dance work Nothing Personal was made in Finland 2018. The third dance work All My Names was made in Palestine 2018.

This artistic project was co-worked with Virva Talonen and Nanni Vapaavuori. Each performance was made in co-operation with the local working group during the artist - in - residence periods in each country.

Sumeba Miyako 2016

photo: Nae Fukata

photo: Nae Fukata

Sumeba Miyako is a dance performance about home as a concrete and mental place. It was made with five different aged performers during the artist - in - residence in Kôchi, Japan.

choreography, direction: Virva Talonen

light & space: Nanni Vapaavuori

sound: Jaakko Kujala 

dance: Mayumi Isshiki, Etsuko Kagawa, Manbeimasakuni, Mayu Ito, Ayumi Hamada 

camera: Cobo Hamada

organizer: Museum of Arts, Kôchi 

support: The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, in Fiscal Year 2016
in co-operation with The Finnish Institute and Finnish Dance Information Centre



Ei mitään henkilökohtaista - Nothing Personal 2018

photo: Reino Koivula

photo: Reino Koivula

Nothing personal is a solo performance considering human body as a living home. Body can be seen as a permanent while it's boundaries are in constant flux. The core of the solo lays in relationship between the repetitive body movement and written text.

choreography, dance, texts: Virva Talonen

lights, scenography: Nanni Vapaavuori

sound design: Virva Talonen, Nanni Vapaavuori

recording: Jaakko Kujala

production: Barker -theatre

support: Arts Promotional Centre Finland

All My Names 2018

All my names esityskuva lana.jpg

All My Names deals with the home as a state of mind.

choreography: Virva Talonen

light, space: Nanni Vapaavuori

dance: Lana Khoury, Lourd Khair, Dina Musleh, Dima Awad

production: Diyar Dance Theatre, Betlehem, Palestine


Making Friends in/with Isolation 2020


Maps of Fear and Empathy 2017