IHONA - As a Skin

Dance work and a performative condition about skin.

White noise.
Or letter for deceased loved one.
Maybe still, indulgent dim terrain.
Neural net.
Or ocean, garden and road.

In the performance living humans pierced by velvet, flowers, dimness, rustle, flame and letters are crabbing, reaching, pealing, watching, interrupting, resting, stroking and touching. The sking streches, penetrates, rubs, thickens, escapes, tingles, turns around, gets tired, exhilarates and asks. What is the skin that keeps one close to another?

IHONA - As a Skin continues Virva’s choreographic practice in which the interest focuses on acts of writing and touching in corporeal performative condition.

choreography / texts: Virva Talonen
dance: Karolina Ginman, Saara Norvio, Virva Talonen
light: Nanni Vapaavuori, Virva Talonen
sound: Jaakko Kujala
stage and costume: Nanni Vapaavuori, Virva Talonen
production: Barker -theater, Virva Talonen
support: Koneen Säätiö, Taiteen edistämiskeskus, Svenska Kulturfonden, Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto

Premiere: 24th September, 2021

Barker -Theater, Turku

Touring: 17th and 18th December, 2022

Universum, Helsinki 


Making Friends in/with Isolation 2020