Lintu nimeltä Agata - Bird Named Agata 2020

Stage performance for children with contemporary dance and live baroque music.

Lintu nimeltä Agata is a dance-filled story of a bird who can’t fly. Agata is joined on stage by four musicians taking the viewers on a shared journey towards the dream of flying.

choreography and concept: Heidi Masalin, Virva Talonen
direction: Virva Talonen
dance: Heidi Masalin
musical design: Anni Elonen
music: Anni Elonen, Hanna Haapamäki, Lea Pekkala, Annamari Pölhö
light design: Nanni Vapaavuori
costume design: Kaisamaija Uljas
production: Collegium & KATVE [blind spot]
Kanneltalo, Helsinki
support: Jenny ja Antti Wihuri Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Niilo Helander Foundation

More about Lintu nimeltä Agata


Butterfly Effect 2019